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Welcome to Nursery!

Please see Foundation Stage Page (under class pages) for information on curriculum, timetable, other information and photos from each term.

Welcome to St Albans Nursery.

Thank you for choosing St Albans Nursery attached to the school. We aim to provide a happy and caring environment that will support your child to develop and learn. It is a new and exciting time for you and your child. We aim to support your child with the transition from home or another nursery setting to ensure a settled start for both child and parent. On your child’s first week at nursery they will come for 1 hour each day, this enables the staff time to settle and support your child and get to know them.


The School Day

The session time is


AM- 8.45-11.45   or PM-12.00-3.00


30 hours  - 8.45 - 3.00


When dropping off and picking up your child please use the nursery outside door.

If you need to come to school to collect your child during a session, please use the main entrance off Trinity Street and report to the secretary.


If you need to contact school about your child or to let us know your child is absent, please ring the school office on 57582.

Please complete the form stating the names of any adults authorised to collect your child from school. Children will not be allowed with anyone not on the form.


During the session the children have a snack, this is a piece of fruit and milk. The children do not need to bring anything else to eat or drink with them.

Please make sure that all items of clothing, including coats and hats are labelled with your child’s name. 


Learning through Play

The classroom is designed to encourage your child to learn through play. The staff will help your child to access equipment and support them to extend and develop their learning. In the Foundation Stage we encourage the child to play and learn outdoors. It would be helpful if you could make sure that your child has suitable outdoor/waterproof coat with hat and gloves in winter and sun hat in the summer.




Ways to help your child to be ready for nursery.

Help your child to be able to use the toilet, wash their hands, take off and put on their coat, fasten their coats, you can read stories to them, talk to them about the stories and pictures, talk about things you see when you are out, count the number of steps in the house, look for numbers around and play games with them.


Nursery Staff

Mrs Schofield, Mrs Ruddock, Mrs Sawant


School Contact Details

Telephone: 01254 57582

