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Opening Times and Holiday Lists



Breakfast Club from 08.00 for a charge of £2 per day. Your child will have a calm start to the school day with a healthy breakfast choice of cereal, toast, milk and juice.

The school has a "soft" opening time from 08.45 am, to ensure that your child is at school on time.

School day starts at:


8.45am – 12.00pm KS1
8.45am – 12.15pm KS2


Afternoon session starts at 1.00pm and the school day finishes at 3.15pm.


Morning 10.45am – 11.00am for all

Afternoon as and when deemed necessary by the class teacher.
Foundation Stage & KS1 only.



12.00pm – 1.00pm for KS1

12.15pm – 1.00pm for KS2


Morning Session 8.45am – 11.45am

Afternoon Session 12.00pm – 3.00pm


It is very important that children should arrive on time and be collected on time to avoid upset to the children and disruption to lessons.

Total Teaching Time

Nursery 15 hours per week

Reception and KS1 21.5 hours per week

KS2 23.5 hours per week


At the end of Year 6 most of our children transfer to our partner High School Our Lady and St John Arts College, with whom we have an excellent working relationship.
