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The ECO Team



           St Alban’s Eco Team


Genesis 2:15 Humans are commanded to care for God’s creation

The Eco Council is made up of class representatives. Adult Leader Mrs L. Hartley

The aim of the Eco Council is to ensure that our school and our local community are environmentally friendly.

As a Catholic community we take part in the live simply mission to live simply, to live in solidarity with people in poverty, to live sustainably with creation.




The Eco Team aim to meet the ten topics of Eco-Schools, which include:

  • Energy - To reduce the amount of energy used to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Water - To explore the problems of a ‘water crisis’ and other issues surrounding water supply.
  • Biodiversity - To try to increase the biodiversity within school.
  • School Grounds - To ensure that the school grounds are used effectively and kept clean.
  • Healthy Living - To ensure that pupils are aware of what a ‘healthy diet and lifestyle’ is.
  • Transport - To encourage eco-friendly transport.
  • Litter - To reduce the amount of litter on site.
  • Waste - To reduce/monitor the amount of waste from the school grounds.
  • Global Citizenship - To teach skills, values, attitudes and knowledge that will allow pupils to participate in a truly global society.
  • Marine Life- To learn how to protect are marine environment e.g. that plastic harms the oceans.

What the Eco Team do:

* We take part in discussions and projects

* We take the views of our classmates back to the Eco Council

* We promote recycling throughout school and each class has a recycling bin

* We have taken part in recycling projects e.g. batteries, bottle tops and crisp packets

* We check the energy usage around school and switch off when not needed

* Monitor classes and pick the best Class for a weekly environment award in assembly

* Look after our school grounds by litter picking at break times

*Take part in the annual Keep Britain Tidy School Big Spring Clean litter picking in the local community local grot spots

* We also litter pick outside in the community when possible and are members of Keep Blackburn Tidy

* Encourage plant and animal life in the school grounds e.g., planting seeds and bulbs, bulbs4kids project, hedgehog houses

* We learn about Fair trade choices and have achieved Fairtrade Active status

* Official Term meetings occur and we feedback to our class about what has been discussed at the meeting

* We undertake an annual environmental review and see how we can make our school more eco friendly by developing an action plan

* We have an Eco code for the school

* We take part in a variety of projects throughout the year e.g the Worlds Largest Lesson, Switch off Fortnight, Energy Week, Waste Week, What’s under your feet, WWF switch off, Walk to school week, Keep Britain Tidy The Big School Clean, RSBP Bird watch, Butterfly watch, Bee Watch, Sustainability Conferences, COP 27, Eyes of the World, Go Green and any other relevant campaigns.

*We invite visitors into school to help and inform us with our projects e.g. Cafod Carbon Footprint, Co Op Fairtrade Talk, BWD Environmental Officers

*COP climate change



What we are working on now:

* Planning and taking part in assemblies to promote environmentally friendly behaviour in school and community

* Monitors for specific projects e.g. light monitor, recycle monitor, nature monitor

* Working on specific topic projects e.g. Biodiversity, School grounds- reflection garden

* To promote walking to school

* Starting an Eco Team newsletter

* To work with our St Alban’s family on the The Live simply award; to simply live in solidarity with people in poverty, sustainably with creation.

* Working jointing on a reflection garden with GIFT team

* Recycling batteries


Mathew 6:25-34 God loves and cares for all of creation


Follow us on our twitter account

St Alban's RC Primary ECO TEAM (@EcoAlban) / Twitter

Media Coverage

Litter - Eco Schools (

Primary school pupils collect 33 bags of rubbish in community clean up | Lancashire Telegraph

St Alban's RC Primary ECO TEAM (@EcoAlban) / Twitter


Laudato Si' animation for children | CAFOD

LiveSimply for schools | CAFOD

Useful Websites for information and games

Learn about the world | CAFOD

News - Eco Schools ( primary school; waste, energy, transport,habitats

Students can blog on the pod using blog code 234897


For up to date activities, please see the ECO  team, under Fund Raising and Events.

