For the past few years we have been working with the local parish on the Live Simply Award.
More recently the Eco Team lead a whole school assembly introducing Live Simply and asking classes for further ideas. This will now help towards our school Live Simply Action Plan.
What is the LiveSimply award?
The LiveSimply award is earned by communities and schools who can show how they have been living:
Sustainably with creation
In solidarity with people in poverty
To earn this award, we need to show as a school we are living:
· Simply – how we encourage our families to consume less in our daily lives. Taking the time to be more reflective, prayerful and considerate to others.
· In solidarity with the poor- being aware that other people might be experiencing difficulties, vulnerabilities, injustice or exclusion.
· Sustainably with creation- learning ways that can help rebalance our relationship with the environment. Remembering that God gave us this Earth for us to care for.
We already do so much as a school to fulfil these objectives, but we are gathering and planning some special events which we will have a positive impact upon our global, local and school communities.
These include:
· Working to help tackle hunger both in our community and globally.
· Collaborating with local community groups to support planting
· Thinking of ways we as a school can become more sustainable in our day to day lives.
The award celebrates what we have already done and it inspires us to do more.
It helps our community to live, not just more simply, but also more fully.
What have we done?
Alongside a number of other initiatives, we have:
Recycled paper within all classes
Donated to the foodbank at Harvest
We are developing a reflection garden and school grounds
Planted bulbs around school
Donate old coats for re use
Supported CAFOD, Caritas and the local Community by fundraising
Learnt about Fairtrade