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The Gift Team

Advent Appeal. The children can come in their festive pyjamas on Friday 6th December and bring in their favourite toy, book, puzzle or game along with a £1 donation which will go to Caritas Diocese of Salford Advent Appeal.

The G.I.F.T team gave out free tea, coffee and biscuits to the adults dropping their children off at school on a very chilly February morning in response to "# Random Acts of Kindness Day. Only asking that the adults respect the date and pay the kindness forward.

Our “Christmas morning NOT Christmas morning “ in support of Caritas’ #Bee There Advent appeal was a great success. The children enjoyed a day of fun with their peers playing their favourite games. Thanks again for your continued support!

The G.I.F.T Team took part in Inter Faith Week and hosted an Inter Faith Cafe with all proceeds going to Benefit Mankind in aid of the floods in Pakistan.
