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The ECO Team

We took part in a whole school assembly on the Season of creation. That unites people around the world to pray and protect the environment. It begins on September 1, and ends on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

The whole school took part in an Eco Day for World Environment Day. Learning about various topics such as climate change, endangered species, Recycle, Reduce, Reuse and Repurpose, Plastic Pollution, Pollution, Fairtrade and designing planters for our school grounds. A special eco liturgy was written & led in all classes by the the GIFT team.The Eco Team led a whole school assembly informing all about what World Environment Day is about.

Well done to the Eco Team who have spoken to the younger classes about fairtrade and helped with our fairtrade renewal award.

The spring bulbs have been growing around school. Some of the Eco Team and KS2 children have been planting bulbs donated by bulbs4kids with the younger children throughout school. Look at some of these that have flowered πŸ’

During Fairtrade fortnight 2024 the Eco Monitors in a dinner club have been discussing fairtrade choices with the younger children in school.

The Eco Monitors have been helping the younger pupils identify the birds for RSPB birdwatch 2024.

The Eco Team have been planting bulbs donated by bulbs4kids around the school with children from nursery, reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Watch out for them growing in spring and summer.

The Eco Team made a Tiny Navity for the Laudate Si Centre Competition using recycled materials that would have been binned around school. Well done.

At eco club dinner times a small group of children have been litterpicking in the local community. We sent the collection number to Keep Blackburn Tidy organisers for weekly tallies. Well done a total of 14 bags this term.

This week some of Eco Team Monitors have been talking to the younger pupils about eco responsibilities and COP28 at dinner time. Discussing on how we can help the environment with our actions and reduce, reuse, recycle and repurpose.

The Laudato Si Centre has a Teeny, Tiny Nativity Competition. Create a small nativity by recycling, reusing and/or repurposing items from around your house, old egg cartons, used glass jars, scrap paper etc. Talk about the nativity story at home as well as creating something new out of something old. If you decide to take part in this competition, please tag on social media @laudatosicentre or email your photographs in to

Bob from St Alban's church (parish Live simply committee) came in to do a workshop on recycling plastics with the Eco Team.

We had a whole school assembly from Bob CAFOD informing us how we can help with Climate change, responsibility and fundraising. Learning about the common good and stewardship.

Father Jude dropped off a big bag of batteries from the collection from the parishioners of St Alban's. Remember recycling these at school helps the environment, but you can enter a prize draw and we have earnt a Β£30 book voucher and a 20% discount code towards new books.

This September is the Season of Creation. We took part in the special Cafod assembly.

We are taking part in recycling batteries, please send your used batteries into school. Thank you.

We took part in the Keep Britain Tidy - The Great Big School Clean March 2023. The children litter picked in the school grounds and local community

For Fairtrade fortnight 2023 all the children had a donated fairtrade snack, learnt about Fairtrade by the Eco team leading an assembly and we also entered a competition to design a new Fairtrade chocolate bar.

Some classes took part in the BBC Live lessons

The Eco team bought some CAFOD World Gifts from fundraising.

Winners from our Fairtrade design a fairtrade poster and colouring competition 2022 Years 3-6. Well done.

For Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 all children and staff enjoyed a snack and drink afternoon. Here are a few photos of Year 1 and Nursery children.

The whole school took part in the Keep Britain Tidy Campaign of the Great British Spring Clean 2022. We pledged 30 bags and surpassed this, we have so far a total of 35 bags and we are still litter picking for this week! Here is just a small selection of photos of St Alban's children litter picking in the community.

Thankyou for your support during fair-trade fortnight the children and staff enjoyed a fair-trade snack afternoon. We donated Β£50 to the Fairtrade organisation and also bought some CAFOD World gifts to help farmers in developing countries. From our work on fair trade, which has been over several years, we have been awarded our third fair-trade award of FAIRACTIVE, which is valid for two years. Children took part in a poster competition and had a whole school snack and drink day. Learning about fair-trade and raising awareness. Many thanks to all children, staff and parents. From the ECO TEAM and Mrs Hartley Eco Schools Coordinator.

Fairtrade Fortnight - For Fairtrade Fortnight the children took part in a poster and colouring competition. Here are some of the entries from Year 1, 3 and 6. Winners to announced soon.

As a whole school response to COP26 every child in school has learnt about climate change. Children have also decorated a leaf and older children have also made a pledge on what they can do to help. Here are a selection of our leaves.

Well done St Alban's for joining in with CAFOD Eyes of the World. CAFOD tweeted us a response back for taking part as a whole school project.

As a whole school we have been taking part in CAFOD The eyes of the world. As Britain hosts world leaders for the United Nations' climate change talks – COP26. They will make important decisions that will shape the future of our global family. We are learning about climate change and how we can help.

This term we have had a special assembly for Years 4 & 5 and Reception & Year 1 from Bob who works for CAFOD. It was a Go Green Assembly learning about the environment and to help others in our world

In May 2021 as part of a whole school project raising awareness with links to the Eco Schools My Actions Matter campaign all children in school learnt that all our actions matter. Children reflected on their connection with nature, how to be compassionate towards the earth and how our actions link to it. They also discussed in class what they could do to help the environment. Photos show the display of handprints from every child in school who learnt they can all make a difference and also one photo shows St Alban's children in action helping to care for our world.

For Fair trade fortnight children learnt about Fairtrade choices and then entered a “design a chocolate bar” competition. Thanks to prize donations made by Julie Smith co-op member pioneer of Wilpshire and Livesey Branch Road Co-op.

At the end of term we had a Trashion Fashion show. Designers and models, showcased clothes made in the after school club. We also had an after school club designing a reusable bag for plastic free bag day, which children modelled. Our special guest to the event was Glynis Goldsbrough from the Schools Sustainability Conference, who brought goodies in for the children who had taken part at the conference in performing a rap, zero lunch and Trashion Show.

Mrs Hartley and Mrs Bolton took 8 children selected from the Eco Team, Fair Trade Action Team and Trashion After School Club. They represented the school at Ewood Park on the 20th June attending the North West Sustainability Conference taking part in various workshop activities throughout the day including a zero waste packed lunch challenge, poster, Trashion Show and a Rap.  We won a £25 cheque for all our efforts. Well done St Albans!


@Sch_ESD_ Conf



Some children from Year 3 and 4 took part in an after school Trashion Club with Mrs Hartley and Mrs Bolton. These are photos of the children making items and just some of the items made. At the end of term we had a Trashion Show.
