It is your responsibility to make sure that the school is given an up-to-date emergency telephone number in case your child is taken ill at school. This is particularly important with mobile phones, which are changed frequently.
Regular and punctual attendance is an important legal requirement, children should arrive on time at 8.45am and be collected promptly at 3.15pm.
Legislation regarding attendance requires a written or verbal explanation for every absence from school so please send in a brief note or ring if your child has been absent. If we do not receive an explanation the absence is classified ‘unauthorised’ under school attendance regulations. If your child is absent from school, and no phone call has been received at school, we will contact home on the first day to ensure your child is safe.
If a child has a dental or medical appointment during the school day they must be collected by a parent or other responsible adult.
Children will not be allowed to leave school unaccompanied.
End of Key Stage 2 SATs (Year 6)
Our Year 6 children are involved in National Statutory Tests in the middle of May each year. Parents are advised not to book any holidays during this period as any time off school CANNOT BE AUTHORISED. Parents will be informed of the exact dates of the statutory tests well in advance.